As regulated by Art. 76) of the Constitution that expresses the obligations of the State in relation to Education, the compulsory nature of schooling extends during basic education. With regard to secondary education, the State is obliged only to promote it.
In the same sense, Arts. 29) and 32) of the General Law of Education, make reference to the compulsory nature of basic school education including preschool within said obligation. Regarding the role played by families or parents in education, Arts. 14) and 129), place them as the natural and primary agents of education. On the other hand, Art. 129 also recognizes the right of parents to “choose for their children the educational institution whose orientation responds to their philosophical, ethical or religious convictions”.
Finally, in relation to the obligations of the parents Art. 130) establishes, among others, that their children or minors under their tutelage receive compulsory basic education.