El Salvador

There are mechanisms recognized in the current Law that allow the validation of knowledge and learning acquired outside of formal education. In addition, the role of parents to choose the type of education they want for their children is recognized. Below we detail the articles of the General Education Law (Decree No. 917).

Article 11 establishes that the levels of formal education will be open to all those who come from non-formal or informal education, with the only requirement of passing through an evaluative body. Likewise, Article 63 stipulates that “Every person with self-training has the right to request from the Ministry of Education proof of sufficiency that proves the incorporation to the different levels of the educational system.”

On the other hand, the law also refers to the right of their parents to choose the education of their children: “Parents have responsibility in the education of the student, they will have the right to demand the free education prescribed by the Law and to choose the education of their children The Ministry of Education shall ensure that parents, community representatives and teachers interact positively in said training ”(Article 92).